Why we can not see the people who viewed my profile

Principal Forums Ferramentas Why we can not see the people who viewed my profile

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    VSCO doesn’t let you see who viewed your profile because it prioritizes user privacy and wants to foster a more creative and less anxiety-inducing environment for its users. Unlike other social media platforms that show follower counts likes, and views, VSCO encourages users to focus on expressing their creativity and connecting with others through their shared passion for photography and videography. Many people used to ask can people see when you view their VSCO.

    Here are some specific reasons why VSCO doesn’t show profile views:

    Privacy Protection: VSCO prioritizes user privacy and doesn’t want to create an environment where users feel pressured to conform to specific metrics or curate their online presence based on who’s viewing their content. By not revealing profile views, VSCO allows users to share their work authentically without feeling self-conscious about their audience.

    Creative Expression: VSCO wants to foster a space where creativity takes center stage, not follower numbers or view counts. Removing the pressure to track profile views allows users to focus on experimenting with their craft, exploring different styles, and sharing their unique perspectives without worrying about external validation.

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